High Wizard

High Wizard (HW) is a magic class. They use powerful elemental magic skills (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Neutral) to take down their enemies . In addition to their magic strength, they also have a huge magic defense and a lot of AoE (Area of Effect) attacks, making them a good class in a party, especially when they can take down a large chunk of mobs. Like Enchanter & Necromancer, they can heal MP as well.

Obtainable from King Elbano in Capital City Elban

- Must be Apprentice High Wizard
- Must be Lv140

Cast Barrier

Reduce the damage taken while casting a spell.


Attack by causing an earthquake. Make enemies paralyzed or KO. Recoil some damage.

Head Crush

A Self-defense skill with staffs. Attack ignoring the target's defense. Staffs increase the damage.

Meteor Storm

Summon meteors and attack enemies. Makes the enemies burnt.

Rod Mastery

A book of staff tactics that raises MATK and MDEF when wielding a staff.


A wind-element magic attack that may paralyze foes.

Thor's Hammer

Attack with huge Thor's Hammer. Chance of blinding an enemy. Shortest cast time Great Magic.


Attack and freeze enemies. Fixed accuracy rate. Maximum of 6 hits.

Spell Burst

Chance of temporary magic attack up. The rate is based on CRT.

Earth Pike

An earth-element attack that has a small chance of knocking out foes.

Mana Stock

Charge magic at most 3 times. Only Great Magic power increases.


Defense magic to avoid fatal DMG. Reduces any large DMG received.

Imperial Ray

Condense and burst the magic. The effect varies by frequent use and using after great magics.


Attack with the frumious arm. You will teleport at random.

- Gives Assault
- Regenerates 20% MaxMP if successfully triggered


Inflict various disasters on foes. Chance of inflicting status ailments at a fixed interval.

Job Master (High Wizard)

Proof of mastering High Wizard. Job bonus increases.

Zero Ray

A forbidden magic skill. Consume tremendous MP and move backward. Can deal huge damage if you have Assault.

Force Boost

Strengthens fire, water, wind, and earth magic. Draw out rod's power and strengthen elemental power.

Multi Cast

Multiply spells of large magic. Enable you to cast multiple large magics.

Scatter Mana

Recovers MP of PT members, but if your HP is running low, you will be defeated before it spreads.


When using multiple Chants, the effect can be boosted every 3x large magic is unleashed.